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how much fat per day to lose weight
A sensible method to lose weight is to cut your calorie intake by roughly a quarter, which will also reduce your fat intake. Your total daily fat intake should make up 20–35% of your total calories. For those following a 2,000 calorie diet, this would be 44–78g of fat per day. Nutrition authorities usually suggest you aim to consume less than 10% of your daily caloric needs in the form of saturated fats.
How Many Grams of Fat Per Day to Lose Weight?
To lose weight, the American Heart Association recommends consuming no more than 5–6% of your daily calories from saturated fat. This means that on a 2,000 calorie diet, you should aim to consume no more than 120–140 calories from saturated fat per day. One gram of fat contains 9 calories, so this equates to roughly 13–15 grams of saturated fat per day.
What is the Optimal Amount of Protein for Weight Loss?
The optimal amount of protein for weight loss is still being debated by nutrition experts. However, most people should consume 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. High protein diets may increase this amount to 1.2…